Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Perception Is Everything

I have thought about this many times before. When I am having a bad day. When I am having a good day. When my views differ from those of someone else. When I see a Facebook photo of someone having a night out with their friends.
The way you perceive situations, and even seemingly unimportant objects matters. It is everything. This might sound too deep for a first post, but when I think about "My World," perception is the first thing that comes to mind.
How I view My World really depends on how I choose to perceive it. I tend to find inspiration from people I see day to-day, YouTube videos, and my Pinterest page (don't judge me). Seeing someone on the street with their own personal style, even if it does not match my own, can inspire me. My sister, Alyssa, is one person who inspires me stylistically. She has a style of her own and it can change depending on her mood, but she is always fierce.

One of my sister's LookBook photos presenting her style

There are a number of "beauty gurus" I follow on YouTube who post their own lookbooks, displaying how they would style certain pieces. Here is one beauty guru, the Polish dime piece, Claudia, aka "BeyondBeautyStar" whose style I love and personality I love even more.

Claudia or "BeyondBeautyStar"

Marshall McLuhan, the author of The Medium is the Massage, goes into depth about the impact digital media has on our individual identity. He states, "All media works us over completely" (26). He wrote this book in the 60's but he definitely knew where the world was heading in terms of the digital revolution. There are many ways that the digital media can "work us over." One could say that I do not actually have my own personal style because I am picking pieces of other people's style to influence my own. In  other words, my style and generally what I find visually or artistically interesting is the culmination of things that already exist. But I still believe that I can create my own beauty without copying. There is a difference between drawing inspiration from something and directly copying that person or object.
And I am okay with drawing inspiration from the people and objects around me, because as a result I perceive my world in a much more appreciative way and I start to see beauty in everything.

1 comment:

  1. Rachel,

    I totally agree with you on how you perceive everything around you, especially with social media networks. Just how McLuhan wrote it, we are naturally influenced by media. Whether it's an unfortunate or fortunate thing about humans, in my opinion it is that specific trait that make humans creative - building off of existing influences and making them unique their own creator. Whether media influences us or we influence it, it will always be this dichotomy in the modern world.
